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Call for Abstracts

2024 International Symposium of Gerontechnology and Health Application
Call for Abstracts

1. Eligibility

  • Faculty members, researchers, and master's and doctoral students from universities and colleges around the world

  • Professionals from relevant institutions around the world

2. Sub-themes

  • Telemedicine and home medical care

  • Artificial intelligence and precision health

  • Smart medical devices and geriatric health

  • Lifestyle health and technology Integration

  • Sports, leisure, and health

  • Digital humanities and health promotion

  • Other related topics

3. Submission Deadline

  • Abstract submission deadline: Monday, September 2, 2024

  • Final abstract review notification date: Friday, September 6, 2024

4. Abstract format

4.1 Abstracts should be submitted in English. The title and content format should follow the sample format (Attachment 1). The format requirements are as follows:

4.2 Each author can submit no more than three abstracts.

4.3 Abstracts should be no more than one page long and should be written and edited using Microsoft Word. The font style and size for the text should be Arial, 9.5 points; the font style and size for the references should be Arial, 8.5 points, using APA 7th format.

4.4 The number of words in the abstract is limited to approximately 500-1000 words.

4.5 The content structure should include:

  • Title of Abstract (less than 15 words)

  • Authors' names in English (e.g., J. Y. Chi, J. Green)

  • Purpose

  • Method

  • Results and Discussion (Briefly explain the results and conclusions. Avoid vague language such as: findings will be presented and discussed.)

  • Keywords (up to 5 keywords)

  • Main affiliation, country, and email of the first author (see Attachment 1)

  • Figures and tables can be placed at the bottom of the page. Figures and tables should have titles. Table captions should use Arial, 8.5 points. Captions should be placed above the table; figure captions should be placed below the figure. Figures should be set to 300dpi or higher.

  • The corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*) after the name.

  • Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and sent to the conference email address for online submission. The email subject line should be "Submission ISGHA 2024 (First Author Name)".

  • Authors of abstracts accepted for presentation at this symposium are required to register for the symposium at least one author.

5. Type of presentation

Papers accepted for review will be arranged by the conference to be presented as posters. All posters will be exhibited throughout the entire duration of the Conference in the afternoon outside the lecture hall. The time suggested for oral presentation of each poster is 4 minutes.

6. Poster Format

6.1 One-sided, portrait A0 [841 x 1189 mm] 1 sheet.

6.2 All content must be in English.

6.3 The content should include the title (in English), authors, affiliation, abstract, research purpose, research methods, results and achievements, and references.

6.4 When creating figures and tables, please pay attention to whether the "resolution" is good and clear (please set the printing output file to 300dpi or higher).

7. Review Process

Manuscripts for this symposium will be reviewed anonymously by 2 to 3 reviewers.

8. Poster Presentation Notes

Please print the poster yourself and bring it to the poster presentation location on the day of the symposium and post it according to the assigned number. This time, staple guns will be used to secure the posters, and the conference will provide free staples.

9. Contact Information

2024 International Symposium on Geriatric Technology and Healthcare Applications (ISGHA) Organizing Committee (E-mail:

Attachment 1: Sample for formatting an abstract

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